Want to vote in the Board elections but don’t know how?

Voting for our Board election is now open and closes at 4pm Wednesday 7 September.
Kia ora e te whānau
Voting procedures
After my article a couple of days ago on the Board elections, several parents have asked how they vote.
Our election is run by CES, Canterbury Education Services, a Canterbury educational company that has overseen thousands of school elections.
Voting is either done online or paper.
Voting information was sent 10 August
- For whānau with emails, the voting emails went out on 10 August. These emails came from CES not the school.
- For whānau without emails, voting papers were posted on 10 August.
Online voting
Whānau who received the voting emails were given an unique pin and password to log into the CES website. On the CES website they will be able to view the candidate profiles and vote online.
Paper voting
Whānau who received the papers by mail were given their own voting papers and a candidate profile sheet. They can decide to vote online using the pin and password on the form or return the votes to the school office.
CES website
- the website address is: https://www.cessl.org.nz/
- the home page has a button: Vote Online Now
- the vote page asks for the PIN and Password exactly as they appear on your voting paper or email. These are case sensitive.
Further questions?
If anyone wishes for further information about the voting process, or has any other questions, please contact the school office.
Community support
It is pleasing to be able to report back to the community that there have many messages of support come into the school for our school’s affirmation of the positive power of diversity and inclusion.
This Farsi proverb is about the power of teamwork.
با یک دست نمی توان دو هندوانه بر داشت : You can’t lift two watermelons with one hand.
Ngā mihi nui
Richard Edmundson