Message from
the Tumuaki-Principal
Kia ora koutou. Talofa. Salamun Alaykum. Namaste. Kumusta.
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Ms Maria Lemalie, the newly appointed Tumuaki/Principal for Te Aratai College. I am a former student of Linwood High School and have come from Christchurch Girls’ High School as the Deputy Principal.
Te Aratai College has a clear focus – to meet the individual needs of every learner in a safe, caring environment. Te Aratai College is a place where every learner is known and valued as an individual and where whānau-school relationships matter.

From 1954 and the opening of Linwood High School, to 2023 and 2024 and our first full years as Te Aratai College, our kura continues its proud history of serving its diverse community.
We remain a truly community school, in the community and of the community. Our large and diverse catchment contributes to a richness that reflects Aotearoa-New Zealand’s current identity and prepares our learners to be active, global citizens.
We have a diverse, vibrant, globally rich culture that creates a stable, connected learning and social environment. Therefore, Te Aratai learners develop core attributes that will ensure their success throughout life.
All our learners can expect to be challenged, enriched and supported to reach personalised excellence. Every learner has agency, whereby they progressively self-manage and direct their learning pathway – university, polytechnics and the workforce. Individuals learn best when who they are – language, culture and identity – is affirmed. Protecting and enhancing the mana and dignity of the individual is at the heart of Te Aratai College inspiring our diverse learners to be their best person. We focus on personalised success through a pathwayed curriculum, reflecting our name gifted to us by Ngāi Tūāhuriri: Te Aratai College, Pathway to the Sea.