Uniform at Te Aratai College
The Te Aratai College school uniform is only able to be purchased at the school’s uniform shop.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours
The standard term-time hours
Payment can be made via cash, Eftpos, or internet banking. For internet banking, our account number is Westpac 030855 0333839 00.
* Please always enter the student’s name as the reference.
Outside of hours
For appointments outside these times, including before 8 am, please call Mrs. Bronwyn Hancock, the Uniform Coordinator.
Holiday Times
2025 – 6 January until 10 January – 9:00am to 2:30pm
Tuesday 28th 9:00 to 12am
Wednesday 29th Closed
Thursday 30th Closed
Friday 31st 2pm to 4pm
Monday 3rd 9 am to 2:30
Tuesday 4th 9am to 2:30
(weekdays only) or by appointment outside these
Phone: (03) 982 0100 ext 866
022 027 3371
Uniform Regulations
The Te Aratai College Board values and consequently places a high priority on all students wearing our school uniform correctly, both inside and outside the College because it contributes to:
- The Te Aratai College value of Respect-Whakaute
- Students developing personal self-confidence and pride in self
- Students developing personal commitment and organisational skills
- School pride, social cohesion and a sense of community
- Community recognition and pride of Te Aratai College
Consequently, students are to be in correct school uniform when:
- At school
- Travelling to and from school
- Representing or associated with the school on any school-related event or trip when school uniform is to be worn
Junior Uniform Year 7-10
Junior students are to wear Te Aratai College junior uniform made up of the items below, purchased from the school uniform shop.
- Year 7 and 8 are to wear regulation green polo shirts
- Year 9 and 10 are to wear regulation sage shirt shirts
- Regulation trousers, shorts, black skirts or plain black lavalava-sulu
- Black socks of any visible length, or black tights
- Plain black head scarf
- Black enclosed shoes suitable for a school environment. Black soles and black uppers; no other colours. No high-tops.
- Regulation jersey with Te Aratai College logo
Optional but recommended – TC waterproof jacket with Te Aratai College logo or PLAIN black waterproof jacket for cold or wet weather
Junior Physical Education / Sport Uniform Year 7-10
All junior students are to wear Te Aratai College PE uniform made up of the items below. Except for the PE shoes, these items are purchased from the school uniform shop.
- regulation Linwood College PE top
- regulation Linwood College PE black shorts
- sports socks. These may be purchased anywhere.
- shoes suitable for PE. These may be purchased anywhere.
All Te Aratai College sports teams must wear the full sports uniform during all games. This includes plain black shorts unless the team uniform indicates otherwise.
Senior Uniform Year 11-13
All senior students are to wear Te Aratai senior uniform made up of the items below, purchased from the school uniform shop.
- Regulation senior sage or striped shirt
- Regulation trousers, shorts, regulation school skirt or plain black lavalava-sulu
- Black socks of any visible length, or black tights
- Regulation black tie – must be worn if wearing Te Aratai College blazer
- Plain black head scarf
- Black enclosed shoes suitable for a school environment. Black soles and black uppers; no other colours. No high-tops.
- Te Aratai College blazer or TC waterproof jacket with Te Aratai College logo or PLAIN black waterproof jacket for cold or wet weather
School Caps and Beanies (Optional)
Students may wear the regulation school caps and school beanies, purchased from the school uniform shop. They are to be removed in class, assemblies and similar events for Te Aratai College value of Respect-Whakaute.
Jewellery & Hair: General Guidelines
All Te Aratai College school expectations and rules are based on the Te Aratai College value of Respect-Whakaute and what is appropriate for a positive school environment. Students must keep themselves and others safe for the requirements of the range of activities across a secondary school – examples: physical activity, Science laboratories, workshops – and follow all reasonable instructions of staff relating to any aspect of dress, jewellery and hair while:
- At school
- Travelling to and from school
- Representing or associated with the school on any school-related event or trip when school uniform is to be worn during school and representing school outside of the classroom eg: during sports or on trips.
Students need to be aware that some course providers and employers may have different expectations of jewellery and hair. Senior students who intend seeking placements on courses or work exploration need to be mindful of this. This can also apply to sporting bodies, matches, tournaments etc.
Students may wear a range of jewellery, as explained below, and taonga and pounamu, as explained below, and adhering to the general guidelines above.
- Appropriate bracelets and necklaces are permitted.
- Appropriate earrings are permitted.
- Appropriate nose piercings are permitted.
- Stretchers and long studs are not permitted.
- Any other body piercings must not be visible.
- Moko, tamoko and cultural tattoos are permitted at Te Aratai College.
If any item of jewellery is inappropriate, the student, whānau and Dean will have a discussion to reach mutual agreement on what is appropriate.
Hair & Makeup
Makeup and nail polish, and hair styles and hair colours should be appropriate for a positive school environment are permitted. For health and safety, in some Learning Areas longer hair must be tied back.
Students may have tidy facial hair.