Our Board

School board members have an important stewardship role that involves planning for and acting in, the interests of the school and its community. Parents/caregivers and people in the wider community can be parent representatives. School boards need to represent the diversity of their school communities to ensure a bright future for all our children.

Student learning, wellbeing, achievement, and progress are the board’s main concerns. This includes making sure that the Principal and staff are supported and resourced to achieve high-quality teaching and learning.

The board is responsible for the governance of the school including the strategic task of setting the school’s goals, direction and accountability frameworks and the policies by which the school is to be controlled and managed. The principal manages the school within the framework of policies, plans, decisions and delegations made by the board. Successful boards work in partnership with school leaders and staff to ensure the best possible outcomes for all students.

The Board meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 4:15 pm.

Te Aratai College has opted into the Donations Scheme and we comply with the Ministry’s requirements including that parents do not have to make voluntary donations except for any school camp.

For more information click here MOE Donations Scheme Info

The Board

A board member is part of a governance team. The Board is made up of the Principal, one staff representative, typically five elected parent representatives and a student representative. The staff and parent representatives are elected by staff and parents respectively, every three years while the student trustee is elected annually. Boards of state schools can also co-opt additional members, up to a maximum of one less than the number of elected parent seats on the board. Boards decide to co-opt for a variety of reasons, usually to ensure a good balance of skills, experience, gender, or ethnicity. 

Our Board currently has seven parent representatives and three school representatives.

Meet Our Board

School Representatives

Maria Lemalie


Paul O’Connor

Staff Rep

Zach Derham

Student Rep

Loren Treacy

Board Secretary

Parent Representatives

Finlay Laird

Presiding member

Wayne Derham

Deputy Presiding member

Maxine Williams

Parent Rep

Jo Bethell

Parent Rep

Tulu Ngauamo

Parent Rep

Isla (Eila) Gendig

Parent Rep

Want to know more?

  • If you are interested in knowing more about being involved on the board at Te Aratai, feel free to get in touch or come along to a board meeting.
  • At a more general level, the NZSTA hosts a series of Kōrari workshops throughout New Zealand to help people understand the role of school board members and also provides further information on their website NZSTA — Information for parents.

Contact Info

  • bot@tearatai.com





ERO Report 2023