Enrolment Information

Update Term 3 2024 Enrolments: We have had a high number of students wishing to enrol for the remainder of 2024.  Please note that this may delay the enrolment process for up to 3 weeks.

Enrolments close Friday 27 September 2024

Thank you for your interest in enrolling at Te Aratai College.

  • Te Aratai has different enrolment zones for Yr. 7-8 and Yr. 9-13.
    The map is here with the Yr. 7-8 zone above the dotted line.

  • All in-zone students have automatic right of enrolment.

Please contact our enrolment officer Tatiana Alsayyad for information about enrolling at Te Aratai College.

Steps to

Te Aratai College

Key Dates

Key enrolment dates for 2024:
Open Days – Thursday 23rd May, Friday 24th May, 2024
Open Night – Tuesday 28th May, 4.30pm-5.30pm and 6pm-7pm
Friday 27th September –

To help with our enrolment processes we would appreciate
enrolments being completed and returned to kura either by post, hand delivered or email
before this date.
Monday 4th November – All new 2024 enrolment interviews with whānau will begin.
Monday 18
th November – Top Team Half day with Primary Sports Canterbury

Open days: These will run during the kura day. This is an opportunity for whānau to bring their tamariki/rangatahi in for a small guided tour of our kura and to see our kura in action. Whānau must book these visits by calling reception on 03 982 0100. Alternatively you can email for a booking: office@tearatai.school.nz

Open night: These sessions will start promptly at 4.30pm and at 6pm, with Principal, Maria Lemalie addressing our visitors, followed by a guided tour of the kura, connecting with ākonga, kaiako, our cultural narrative and all that Te Aratai College has to offer. Everyone is welcome and no booking is required.

Enrolment Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below shall be eligible to enrol at the school.

Addresses on both sides of boundary roads are considered in-zone unless specified otherwise.

Applications for enrolments will be processed in the following order of priority:

  • First priority: must be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in the Special Programme (Aukaha) run by the school and approved by the Secretary for Education.
  • Second priority: must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school.
  • Third priority: must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student of the school.
  • Fourth priority: must be given to any applicant who is the child of a former student of the school.
  • Fifth priority: must be given to any applicant who is a child of an employee of the school’s board or a child of a member of the school’s board.
  • Sixth priority: must be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary, under Section 11G (1) on the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.

Te Aratai College operates a specialist programme called Aukaha, for up to 16 learners verified for the On-going Resourcing Scheme (ORS).

Aukaha provides a specialist support programme for learners within mainstream classes and Ako groups, as well as timetabled sessions within the smaller Aukaha setting. When in Aukaha, students will be involved in a variety of activities based on their collaborative learning plan. Aukaha is guided by the underlying principles of inclusion, to provide individualised strengths-based, and success focussed programmes for all learners.

To be eligible for enrolment into Aukaha, a student must be verified for ORS.

Each year the Board will determine the number of places that are likely to be available in the programme for the following year.  If there are places available, the Board will publish this information by way of a notice in a medium appropriate to the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which applications must be received.

Places will be allocated to students in the following order:

  • Those who live within the home zone, or are already enrolled at the school
  • Those who live within the Ferndale Te Ahu school catchment
  • Those who have previously attended a special school or specialised programme in another school
  • All other applicants

If there are more applicants than places, the Board will offer places by way of a ballot. If there are more applicants in a priority group than there are places available, places must be allocated in priority order until a category is reached where the number of spaces available in that category is insufficient to accommodate the number of eligible students. Selection within that priority group must be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions by the Secretary under Schedule 20, Clause 3 (1) of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Where there are more applicants than spaces, the ballot will be used to establish a waiting list for vacancies that may arise during the year.

Applicants who live out-of-zone and do not secure a place in the special programme will enter the selection process for places at the school on the same basis as other out-of-zone students (unless the parents advise they do not wish to apply for places outside of the special programme).

Please contact our enrolment officer Tatiana Alsayyad for information around enrolling at Te Aratai.

A list of in-zone addresses

Each year, applications for enrolment in the following year from in-zone students will be sought by a date which will be published in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school, and on the school website. This will enable the board to assess the number of places which can be made available to students who live outside the home zone.

From the Hargood Street / Keighleys Road intersection with Linwood Avenue;

  • South East along the North side only of Linwood Avenue to the Avon/Heathcote Estuary
  • North along the Western edge of the Avon/Heathcote Estuary to the Otakaro / Avon River
  • North up the Otakaro / Avon River to Bridge Street
  • West along the South side only of Bridge Street to Breezes Road
  • West along the South side only of Breezes Road to Cuthberts Road
  • South along the East side only of Cuthberts Road to the Walkway between the oxidation ponds
  • North West through the water treatment plant to Shuttle Drive
  • North West along Shuttle Drive to Pages Road
  • South West along the South side only of Pages Road to Woodham Road
  • West along Woodham Road (both sides) to Kerrs Road
  • North along Kerrs Road to Wildwood Avenue
  • East along Wildwood Avenue to Pannell Avenue (including Odie Place and Lyn Christie Place)
  • North along Pannell Avenue to Wainoni Road
  • South West along Wainoni Road to Kerrs Road (including all addresses on Wainoni Road between Pannell Ave and Cuffs Road – odd numbers to 55 / 55a and even numbers to 42)
  • North along Kerrs Road to the Otakaro / Avon River
  • West along the South bank of the Otakaro / Avon River to Trent Street (including 142 Avonside Drive)
  • South along Trent Street to Armagh Street
  • East along Armagh Street to England Street
  • South along England Street to Cashel Street
  • West along Cashel Street to Percy Street
  • South along Percy Street to Tuam Street
  • West along Tuam Street to Nursery Road
  • South along Nursery Road to St Asaph Street
  • South East along St Asaph Street to Mathesons Road
  • North East along Mathesons Road to Inglis Street
  • South East along Inglis St to Olliviers Road
  • North East along Olliviers Road to Harrow Street
  • East along Harrow Street to Aldwins Road (including Bordesley Street addresses down to address number 81)
  • South West along Aldwins Road to Bass Street
  • South East along Bass Street to Randolph Street (including all addresses on Bass Street)
  • North along Randolph Street to the cycleway at Linwood Park (including Cressy Lane)
  • South East along the cycleway to Smith Street (including Mackworth Street odd addresses from 65 and above, Mackworth Street even addresses from 66 and above, Harmony Lane and Bonar Place)
  • South along Smith Street to Arran Crescent (at 82 Smith Street)
  • East along Arran Crescent to Bute Street
  • East along Bute Street to Tilford Street
  • North along Tilford Street to the cycleway
  • East along the North side only of the cycleway to the Hargood Street / Keighleys Road intersection with Linwood Avenue.

From the Moorhouse Avenue / Colombo Street intersection;

  • South along the East side only of Colombo Street to Huxley Street
  • East along both sides of Huxley Street to Rogers Street
  • North East along Rogers Street to Hume Street
  • South East along Hume Street to Eastern Terrace (including Gilbert Place) and to the Opawaho / Heathcote River
  • East along the North bank of the Opawaho / Heathcote River to Tekapo Place
  • Across the river to the Grange Street / Aynsley Terrace intersection
  • South along Aynsley Terrace to Rapaki Road
  • South along Rapaki Road / Rapaki Track to Summit Road
  • From the Rapaki Track / Summit Road intersection, South East across country to 105 Governors Bay Road, then South to the Akaroa Harbour coastline
  • East along the Akaroa Harbour coastline, around Godley Head, following the coastline along the Southern, then Western edge of the Avon/Heathcote Estuary to the Otakaro / Avon River
  • North up the Otakaro / Avon River to Bridge Street
  • West along the South side only of Bridge Street to Breezes Road
  • West along the South side only of Breezes Road to Cuthberts Road
  • South along the East side only of Cuthberts Road to the Walkway between the oxidation ponds
  • North West through the water treatment plant to Shuttle Drive
  • North West along Shuttle Drive to Pages Road
  • South West along the South side only of Pages Road to Woodham Road
  • West along Woodham Road (both sides) to Kerrs Road
  • North along Kerrs Road to Wildwood Avenue
  • East along Wildwood Avenue to Pannell Avenue (including Odie Place and Lyn Christie Place)
  • North along Pannell Avenue to Wainoni Road
  • South West along Wainoni Road to Kerrs Road (including all addresses on Wainoni Road between Pannell Ave and Cuffs Road – odd numbers to 55 / 55a and even numbers to 42)
  • North along Kerrs Road to the Otakaro / Avon River
  • West along the South bank of the Otakaro / Avon River to Durham Street Sth
  • South along the East side only of Durham Street Sth to Tuam Street
  • West along the South side only of Tuam Street to Hagley Avenue
  • South West along the South East side only of Hagley Avenue to Moorhouse Avenue
  • East along the North side only of Moorhouse Avenue to Colombo Street.

Out of zone enrolments

Each year the Board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The Board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.