Bookings for Wā Whakanui for Years 9-10 and Academic Conferencing for Years 11-13

Whānau can now make bookings for Wā Whakanui for Years 9-10 and Academic Conferencing for Years 11-13.

Student-whānau-teacher learning progress conversations: Bookings are for Tuesday 30th August 3:30pm-6:30pm and Wednesday 31st August 3:00pm-6:00pm.

To make an appointment to meet with your child and their Kaiārahi, please visit and use the event code: kjdj2. Alternatively, you can email or phone (03) 982 0100 to make your appointment.

The kaupapa-purpose of the Wā Whakanui and Academic Conferencing is for the student, whānau and teacher to discuss the student’s learning progress and “next step” learning goals. The student leads this conversation as much as possible. To make this real, Yr 9-10 students will have selected examples of their schoolwork to share with their whānau and show their progress and goals. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and “sign off” the 2023 option selections for Year 10, 11 and 12 students.

Each booking slot is 20 minutes long and the teacher in this conversation is the student’s kaiārahi-form teacher. This means there is a sustained conversation about the student’s progress and next steps, not rushing every 5-10 minutes from appointment to appointment. It is also fine to request a time to meet with specific subject teachers if that is any whānau’s wish. Please ask the kaiārahi about this.

Please note that Years 7-8 will have a celebration of learning event later on. More information to come on this will be provided closer to the time.